In the years of great construction waste, Law 167 wrote the last great chapter of the “public city” in Italy, and an unprecedented and complex interweaving between public intervention and private real estate operations was launched. Cagliari, which presents the typical features of the southern city, with all the similarities and its peculiar elements, offers itself as an observatory on the contradictions and the meaning of these operations on which the construction of the core of the current metropolitan city will be based. The book offers a transversal look at the policies, tools, and relationships between social phenomena and transformations of urban space, crossing four fundamental dimensions of the project: territory-city-neighborhood-community. It is through this articulated interpretative structure that districts 167 emerge, no longer suburbs but “metropolitan centralities” at the junction of important territorial relations. New polarities from which to start for the redesign of the strategic layout of the territory and the design of future living landscapes.